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Week of 05.22.23


Follow us online at, Facebook (@MoorestownHomeSchool) or on our Instagram page (@moorestownhsa) or contact us at!

Check out our COMMUNITY section at the end for off board news, but school-related activities and news outside of Home & School!


WAMS Teacher Appreciation

Thank you to everyone who donated towards the delicious luncheon for our wonderful teachers! We couldn’t have done it without your support. Thanks to each of you, the WAMS faculty and staff enjoyed a beautiful catered lunch of charcuterie boards, assorted salads, sandwiches, and delectable sweets. Thank you to our amazing teachers and staff!!


Thank you to Amanda Hillegas for working with Ms. Pasi and putting together a wonderful STEM day program for our 7th graders. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who came in to present!


UES Staff Appreciation

Thank you to everyone who donated towards the wonderful luncheon for our Undeniably Excellent Staff! Thank you to Heather Colella and Lauren Lee for pulling together our amazing luncheon!


3rd Grade Dance

Thank you to Jane Schleichter and all of the committee of school dance chairs for putting on a fun and crazy time for our 3rd graders on Friday night! Your commitment to fun was definitely appreciated!

Recess Runners

Spring Recess Runners sign-up is located here. There are still a few weeks left to support!

Baker Home & School Meeting

Please join us again next YEAR for our monthly meetings! There will be no meeting in June!


3rd Grade Dance

Thank you to Jane Schleichter and all of the committee of school dance chairs for putting on a fun and crazy time for our 3rd graders on Friday night! Your commitment to fun was definitely appreciated!

Roberts H&S Meeting

Please join us again next YEAR for our monthly meetings! There will be no meeting in June.


3rd Grade Dance

Thank you to Jane Schleichter and all of the committee of school dance chairs for putting on a fun and crazy time for our 3rd graders on Friday night! Your commitment to fun was definitely appreciated!

Kindergarten Screening

Volunteers are needed on June 7th and 8th. Click Here for details and to sign up!

SV Home & School Meeting

Please join us again next YEAR for our monthly meetings! There will be no meeting in June.


2023 Project Graduation Volunteers

WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS! Any younger graduates of MHS are welcome and encouraged to volunteer as long as they graduated in 2018 or earlier. PARENTS OF MHS 2023 GRADUATES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOLUNTEER!

We will hold a meeting in early June to provide volunteers with more information and details prior to the event. Please plan on attending the meeting -- date will be provided in a few weeks.

2023 Project Graduation Senior Parent Appeal

MHS Class of 2023 Parents, we need your help! Plans for the Class of 2023 Project Graduation are still being executed and we need your support to help make the all-night, alcohol and drug free, graduation celebration for our seniors a success.

The cost of Project Graduation is approximately $250 per graduate. Please help the Class of 2023’s event with a tax-deductible donation. Any contribution is appreciated!

Click Donate Online and select “Donate to Project Graduation” to donate.

Moorestown SpEAC (Special Education Advocacy Council)

Our next and final meeting of this school year is 5/25 9:30am at the Moorestown High School. If your child has an IEP or 504 plan you should attend! There are positions open for the 2023–2024 for school year. Please email if you are interested in any of these positions.

Moorestown SpEAC is a parent led group and we need parent volunteers to be successful for our children! Please email your interest by Monday 5/22. We will be voting on 5/25. Per our bylaws, you can vote if you are on the Executive Board, a School Representative, or have attended 2 SpEAC meetings this year. Please plan to attend in person on 5/25 if you plan on voting. If you are unable to attend - please let us know.

  1. Co-Chair - The responsibilities are to support the Chair and Executive Board, represent SpEAC at district H and S meetings, keep attendance logs, and track member status in regards to voting. The Co-Chair will assume the role of Chair position after two years. The Chair position is a 2 year term.

  2. School Representatives (all schools require representatives) - The responsibilities are to attend their respective H and S meetings when possible with an emphasis at the beginning of the school year, to promote any SpEAC campaigns and initiatives, and to represent the needs of all Moorestown children with special learning needs within their designated school.


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