Stay up to date by visiting, Facebook (@MoorestownHomeSchool) or Instagram (@moorestownhsa). Contact us any time at Join any time at MHSA Membership!
Miss Chocolate - DON’T MISS OUT!
Miss Chocolate is DIGITAL for Spring 2024! No catalogs will be sent home. All orders will be delivered in time for Easter/Passover celebrations. Click the provided link to view instructions on how to order and a sampling of the items being offered. Miss Chocolate Information
We are only 2 weeks away from kicking off our Moorestown H&S Fun Run – REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Registering is free, easy, and helps our school community! Click HERE for a special message from YouTube stars, Dude Perfect, about why your family should get registered TODAY!
We have a goal to get 90% of our students registered.
There will be fun registration incentives announced later, so get a head start now!
Can we reach this goal by Kickoff Day, March 4th?
Students can now begin SHARING their donation page to get donations from friends & family for every minute they participate in the Moorestown H&S Fun Run ($1 per minute = $35).
During the Moorestown H&S Fun Run (on 3/12 for South Valley & UES + on 3/13 at Baker & Roberts), students will participate in multiple minutes of themed running, walking, and dancing led by the Booster Team!
Plus, our 6th grade students will enjoy their annual Color Run celebration!
This will end up being 35 minutes of physical activity. Click here for a sneak peek of the event!
Thank you, Boosterthon Sponsors!
Thank you to our Boosterthon Sponsors, who helped us ensure every student grades PK-6 have a t-shirt for the Moorestown H&S Fun Runs at our lower elementary schools and UES!
Premium Plus Sponsor:
Ally Construction
Premium Sponsors:
Marrone, Kaye, & Yucca
Moorestown Crew
Nova Dermatology
Passariello’s Moorestown
Retail Sites, LLC
Talone Law
Regular Sponsors:
Celebrity Beauty Boutique
ESF Camps
Exclusively Endodontics
Mestichelli Barnes Dental Associates
Mill Street Tire and Auto
Quaker Wealth Management
Richard A Alaimo Associates
Sweet Lucy’s Barbeque
Name Sponsors:
Advocare South Jersey Internal Medicine
A&M Berk Tax Services
Baker Bags
Students are welcome to donate Baker Bags and cheer up cards for the children and families of the Ronald McDonald House of Southern NJ. Baker Bags should be clear quart or gallon-sized ziplock bags filled with a variety of travel size toiletries (pocket sized notebooks, shampoos, toothbrush, toothpaste, tissues, chapstick, dove soap, slipper socks, deodorant etc). Cheer up cards can also be made with positive messaging and artwork to be displayed at the Ronald McDonald House. This is a great initiative for kids to be actively involved in! Please feel free to donate as many or as little as you would like – there is no limit! Donations will be collected through Friday, March 15th. Please contact Abby Dilks ( with any questions.
Baker’s Science Day
We still have slots available! The 14th Annual Science Day is on Friday, April 12th, 2024. This is a hands-on, fun-filled day for all of our students to engage in S.T.E.A.M. activities. We will be looking for volunteers to develop and present 45 minute presentations/activities. If you have a science or arts activity that you are interested in sharing, please see the sign up: STEAM Day
Baker Home and School Meeting
Please join us for our next meeting on March 20th in the Baker cafeteria or via Zoom. We will be discussing upcoming events and also available district chair positions for Home and School. Look for the link in an email from Mrs. Rowe that week.
Roberts Home & School Meeting Change
Please note that our February meeting date has been rescheduled! We will now be meeting Thursday, February 29 at 9:30 in the Media Center or virtually. Because of this change, there will be NO March meeting!
Thank you!
Thanks to all who donated books and gift cards for our Valentine's Day book collection! Our Roberts staff enjoyed the sweet reads and sweet treats!
South Valley Home & School Meeting
Please join us for our next Home & School meeting on Tuesday, 2/20 at 9:30am in the cafeteria. Ms. Hackl will send out a virtual link prior to the meeting.
3rd Grade Memory Book
Attention 3rd Grade Families!
Please submit your photos for the SV 3rd Grade Memory Book! We are looking for any photos from SV events throughout the years, community pictures which include SV students AND a baby picture (please write down the name of your child in the body of the email.)
Please submit to by March 1st. Thank you for your help!
The Moorestown High School UNICEF Club is holding a Family February Food Drive. Donations such as canned foods, daily supplies, and clothes/toys will be given to local homeless centers. Donations can be dropped in the boxes located in the Main Lobby during the month of February. Help UNICEF Club give back to the community and families in need.
Moorestown SpEAC (Special Education Advocacy Council)
Save the date for these upcoming Events! All are located at the Moorestown High Schools Star Center. Please rsvp by emailing or joining our Facebook group Moorestown SpEAC (Special Education Advocacy Council)
IEP 101
Thursday, 2/22 6:00pm - Kelly Eagles, LDTC South Valley, will be presenting a parent information session on Individual Education Plans. If your child has an IEP or you are in the process of receiving one, this is a great training to join!
Monthly SpEAC Meeting
Thursday, 2/29 6:00pm - Join us for important updates and information. Jill Roth-Gutman from Roth-Gutman Law, LLC will be speaking to us about Guardianships during the second half of our meeting.
Executive Functioning Parent Session
Tuesday, 3/5 6:00pm Andy Rizzo, Ed. School Psychologist South Valley Elementary School /William Allen Middle School, will be presenting a parent education on Executive Functioning. Executive Functions are mental processes that help us plan, focus attention, and remember instructions.
Project Graduation Fundraisers
Iron Hill: 2/21 Be sure to show this flyer to the serving staff!
Sweet Lucy’s Smokehouse: 2/28 10% from Dine-In or Take-Out 11am-8am Mention Moorestown Project Graduation!
Rita Gigante - Intuitive Psychic Medium: 3/21 7:30-9:30pm, Moorestown COmmunity House. Tickets are $50 per person, limited and non-refundable. Payment details and information on this link: Rita Gigante for Project Graduation Any questions contact Victoria Schmidt at